Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Letting Go

My father used to write for Parents Magazine, back in the 1970s. One article he wrote was about watching my older sister jump off the high dive, from a float in the harbor. He was worried about her: how deep was the water? What if she landed funny? What if she got scared up there? But he encouraged her, shouting up to her to take the leap! Of course the ocean water was deep enough—cold, but deep—and my sister was an avid swimmer so she landed and swam back to the float just fine.

My kittens are now 2 years old, and this year at their annual check up I decided to get them the feline leukemia shot, which will protect them if they become indoor/outdoor kitties. I sense that they are bored inside. Both are a bit overweight—plump, glossy, and slow moving. But when they watch the window, see an insect, or hear a bird, they come alive: alert and engaged. So I decided it is finally time to give the big outdoors a try. I realize I need to treat this transition with care; make sure they know their surroundings, not force them, observe them at first. And I realize it’s a hard decision that will potentially open their world up dramatically, but also provide new threats and dangers.

Seeing Johnny take his first (supervised!) sniff around the deck today confirmed the decision. He did not want to go back inside. He batted then bit a dried leaf, tasted the thyme from the herb plantings, listened to the birds, stretched in the fact, he actually made a small growling noise when I lifted him to take him back inside. I think he’s ready, I just wonder if I am.

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