The hat was placed on the cat with such matter-of-fact elan, such seriousness coupled with complete amusement, that I couldn't help but be totally entertained. The Head of the Cat didn't leave the cat hat on for long. They recognize the cat doesn't need or want, much less like, the hat. As soon as I snapped a few pix, the cat hat was removed, placed on the other feline model, then just as quickly removed—as if it had never happened. I was stunned by those few moments, and am still delighted with the evidence.
While my contact bought this cat hat and fitted it to their animals purely for their own delight, living this phrase "sometimes you gotta do one just for you", it became something for me too. So do something just for yourself, and see the positive effects it has on others. But don't leave the hat on for too one wants to be caught in a beanie and have it posted online the next day.
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