Wednesday, July 8, 2009

We All Do Bad Things Sometimes

When I have gone through difficult passages, I have been able to hold on to the idea of an internal gps­—an emotional compass that will guide me in the right direction. This is an intuitive guidance system, one that relies not on reaction to fear but on instinct to find what connects with my deepest self.

When DJ, most likely in the unfiltered spirit of play, makes a choice that is not acceptable—such as snatching an unopened bottle of seltzer from the table—he knows it. He knows what the reaction will be from me. A mouthful of plastic, while fun and exciting, is not always the best choice. There is no indicator of truthfulness more clear than the eyes. After one glance at my eyes, his avert and he avoids any further eye contact. His big lumbering body, jumps and darts, still trying to escape to the couch (a kind of “home base” for him) with the seltzer bottle, but he won’t look me directly in the eye because he knows I disapprove.

Next time you are wondering which way to head or where your own integrity and instinct want you to go, just look yourself in the eye. Dogs know.

1 comment:

  1. I like the six pound clump of black fur on the ground next to him.

